
Lead programmer at project - DADIU via Aalborg University (2017)

Link to game’s page on DADIU

Participated in the esteemed half year programme. Received lectures by industry professionals and leadership experts. Lead a team of 4 other programmers within a team of 14 people. The roles I got to collaborate with were developer, QA, game director, art director, level designer, game designer, sound designer and 3D artist.

DADIU is the Danish Academy for Digital Interactive Entertainment. I have chosen to attend it during a semester of my Medialogy education at AAU (Link).

My role is “Programmer”, but most of the time I will be the Lead of a team of four other programmers. I communicate a lot with the programmers as well as the design lead, level designer, QA and art director on our team of 14. During the semester we get to meet esteemed experts from the gaming industry.

Screenshot of Floodlight game

Screenshot of Floodlight game