(2018 - 2020)

PIBOCO is a mobile app built in Unity and a set of editor tools for creating content for the app. Toolset built on top of the Unity editor to enable designers in making content. Backend for hosting asset bundles and metadata. The app can download and display these immediately after they are published from the editor.

I took part in parts of the early development of the platform, and have since the beginning of 2019 been the technical lead on the team. This project has given me much experience in Unity tool programming and back-end API development. The production team relies on the editor tools that I maintain and on the web service on the backend. App, editor and backend need to exist in harmony as multiple versions are rolled out and overlap. This project allows me to train many different programmer muscles and solve a wide variety of problems.

Screenshot of the PIBOCO app

Screenshot of the PIBOCO app