VR Volume Rendering

At Medialogy, Aalborg University (2018)

Link to project on university portal

Screenshot of prototype VR app

Collaboration with Minimal Invasiv Udviklingscenter and the radiological department of Aalborg Universitetshospital. We visualized (via raycasting) and enabled manipulation of volumetric data (DICOM volumes from CT and MRI) in virtual reality. This included real time rendering and transformation as well as slicing the data to view bisection and slice with up to three different transfer functions. Technologies used were Unity, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, VRTK and parts of the DICOM medical imaging standard. The research focused mainly on optimizations. Specific optimizations we implemented were ray early-outing, empty space skipping, fast approximate pre-integration of transfer functions and down-sampling.

Screenshot of prototype VR app

Screenshot of prototype VR app