Hello, I’m Mads,
committed and creative developer.

I like to work on the things that enable teams. My key interests are game development tooling, devops and system design in realtime applications. Unity is my game engine of choice, and I enjoy developing games in it, with all the things it involves. I have a keen interest in working together across disciplines.

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2020 - Present
Kanda's flagship product, its Virtual Training Platform is a multiplatform, multiplayer framework and app built for VR, Tablet and PC. At kanda, before joining the core platform team, I developed, released and maintained various customer facing apps, both multiplayer and standalone. As part of the core platform team, I worked to maintain quality and drive feature development for customer facing project teams to use. Additionally I provided support for other developers. During my time at the company, I have done the following.
  • Leading development efforts on project-spanning and complex features.
  • Advocating for technical excellence in the codebase and across disciplines.
  • Becoming certified SCRUM master (PSM1) and acting scrum master for the core team.
  • Leading teams of other programmers, upskilling developers and onboarding juniors.
  • Making technical decisions impacting the whole company. Advising leadership.
  • Getting releases out the door and maintaining technical overview.
While working on the MMO game, Ember Sword, I gained experience in entity component systems. I worked with both the Entities package from Unity and a custom ECS solution written in Go. I developed logic running across the server, through to the game client, taking large scale networking into consideration. I also did some tooling and some graphics programming.
2019 - 2020
I have used Unity as game engine and as the driving technology on my job as lead developer at PIBOCO, and during most of my university studies. I have spent much time developing a deep understanding of Unity, and on developing tools for designers or artists to use during project development. I also enjoy working with backends, webservices, APIs and that kind of thing. I have improved my skills in these areas significantly during my time at PIBOCO.
2018 - 2019
Step In Books
On my job at Step In Books, as well as during my studies, I have worked with AR in Unity. For this purpose I have used ARKit and Unity’s ARInterface (now AR Foundation), Vuforia and gyroscope.
2017 - 2018
StonePlant Studios
We were a small indie game studio composed of students with a passion for making games. During this experience we created and released a monetized game (Justin Space) for iOS and Android, with online leaderboards. The game got a minor feature on the Play Store and saw tens of thousands of downloads.
DADIU is the Danish Academy for Digital Interactive Entertainment. I chose to attend it during a semester of my Medialogy education at AAU. This was a great opportunity to get a taste of what working in the industry might be like.
2015 - 2017
Public schools via UngAalborg and Game2Grow
As a student job I taught game and app design, programming and development as an elective course for 7th to 9th graders in public schools in Aalborg. I sometimes volunteered to help the students with their passion projects in the student house Station 10 in Nørresundby. The exact curriculum varied from class to class, and I taught both game design and development using Game Maker, Unity, Scratch, PlayCanvas and TouchDevelop.
2015 - 2016
Create Jam committee
I participated in the committee of the local game jam at Aalborg University’s campus, CREATE. I was part of it nearly from the beginning and helped getting it to where it is today. It is held during a weekend twice a year and usually gets between 50 and 100 participants. I participated in coordinating with building personnel so we had rooms and student cards could unlock the doors during the jam.


I have experience in developing software projects all the way from idea to release. Graphics programming, shaders and optimization in Unity are among the things I have done a lot. I like to have a narrow focus on the job ahead, but will keep a broad overview of what I am working on when it is needed. I have some experience teaching game development and programming as well.

I have developed VR applications both during and after my studies, In connection with my studies I have focused on the graphics theory and the technical aspects. Afterwards I have worked more experimentally and creatively with VR in some of my personal projects.


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Aalborg University
Master's exam in Medialogy with specialization in computer graphics
Aalborg University
Bachelor in Medialogy
2010 - 2013
HTX, Aarhus Tech
HTX - Communication, IT & Design
2000 - 2010
Højvangskolen & Hou Maritime Idrætsefterskole
0 - 10th grade + certificate of proficiency in sailing
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Who am I?

As a kid I began experimenting with Game Maker. Since then, my enthusiasm for programming has driven me to keep learning new frameworks, languages, engines, patterns etc.

As a result, I have a wide array of tools available to me when solving a given problem. My hobby projects include not only games, but also experiments in web, graphics, productivity, music, learnt theory and so on.

I am a calm and positive person. A good atmosphere at the office is important to me. I think it helps productivity and creativity, which is important.


Kanda Virtual Training Platform

Kanda Virtual Training Platform

Kanda's flagship product, its Virtual Training Platform is a multiplatform, multiplayer framework and app built for VR, Tablet and PC.

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Ember Sword

Ember Sword is an upcoming, browser-based MMO by Bright Star Studios. We developed the game client itself in the newest Unity beta, utilizing the ECS framework. I gained a lot of experience in building server-authoritative gameplay, tooling for designers and server code.

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Ember Sword


A mobile app built in Unity and a set of editor tools for creating content for the app. Toolset built on top of the Unity editor to enable designers in making content. Backend for hosting asset bundles and metadata. The app can download and display these immediately after they are published from the editor.

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Little Alice

I worked as lead developer on this mobile augmented reality app made in Unity. I worked on this project during its period of moving from prototype to production. It posed some hard AR-related challenges.

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Little Alice
VR Volume Rendering

VR Volume Rendering

We visualized (via raycasting) and enabled manipulation of volumetric data (DICOM volumes from CT and MRI) in virtual reality. This included real time rendering and transformation as well as slicing the data to view bisection and slice with up to three different transfer functions.

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Musical Flowers

VRChat world made in unity using the VRChat SDK and published to the social VRChat metaverse. It is a minimalistic musical experience where players find themselves and each other in an abstract ‘field of flowers’ that make sounds when hit.

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Musical Flowers
Underwater Cave

Underwater Cave

VRChat world made in unity using the VRChat SDK and published to the social VRChat metaverse. The world is a personal challenge creating a more high definition 3D environment than what I was used to.

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This 2-player game requires you to cooperate in order to rescue the souls of your friends and family! One controls the lighthouse, whose light burns the demons, the other sails the boat that ferries the helpless souls.

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Aggersborg AR App

Aggersborg AR App

Mobile indirect augmented reality app made in unity together with Alexander Arendttorp.

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Enter the Black Hole

HTML5 game for armorgames.com. Based on my existing award-winning game jam game for the GM48 jam. Tight collaboration with musician and audio designer Esben Nyboe Jacobsen.

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Enter the Black Hole


Open source editor extension for Unity. It adds the ability to easily place buttons in the inspector using just an attribute.

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Justin Space

Mobile game for Android and iOS. It got featured on the indie games list on Google Play and gained more than 20k installs. This simple app went through a full release cycle including advertisements, online highscores with Facebook login and analytics.

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Justin Space
Physics simulation using Verlet integration

Physics simulation using Verlet integration

This project is an implementation of a couple of physics simulations, using Verlet integration. The project was done in collaboration with Alexander Arendttorp.

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Erosion simulation using compute shaders

In this project, we used Compute shaders in Unity to implement fast hydraulic erosion. The result was a technical prototype where one could “draw” water on a terrain in the unity editor.

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Erosion simulation using compute shaders
Create Jam game jam games

Create Jam game jam games

1st place games at our local university game jam.

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Dino Escape

This game jam game has players avoid military ships while they stomp around in the water.

Game Page on GM48
Dino Escape


Mads is one of the best developers I’ve ever had the fortune of working with. His expertise never ceased to amaze me and he was always a central pillar in any feature development. He is also gifted in leading, handling our common work from refinement of tasks all the way to review and delivery as both an architect and a scrum master. I was lucky enough to have him as my mentor during our time together and I am very thankful for it.

Theodor Florian Purcaru

Theodor Florian Purcaru

Software Engineer at the LEGO Group

I had the pleasure to work closely together with Mads at PIBOCO, where he held the lead programming position. Mads is a very productive and skilled programmer, and has a good understanding of complex code and is able to write solid and well documented code. He has a keen eye for reusable, clean and a self documenting code, and knows when a refactor is needed to prevent a project from getting messy. Mads is more than just a programmer, he has a very deep understanding of Unity in general. He is not afraid of the graphical and UI/UX side of development, and knows what is best practice when it comes to good design. During my time working together with Mads, we worked based on the Scrum framework. Mads is good at keeping tasks updated and is able to estimate workloads to plan sprints and meet deadlines. In my experience, Mads is a very pleasant colleague because he is easygoing and friendly, and when disagreements arise he is good at communicating and discussing possible solutions in a productive way. Mads is an asset and will definitely add value to any future employer.

Mikael Peter Olsen

Mikael Peter Olsen

Cloud Specialist at Koncern IT - Københavns Kommune

I had the joy of working with Mads for over a year. He is hardworking and responsible. He was always available and happy to help us when needed and we could always count on him for finding solutions for our technical problems. He has great knowledge of the industry which helped me create high quality content in an efficient manner. Anyone would be lucky to have him as a co-worker.

Olga Alvarez

Olga Alvarez

Lead Producer at PIBOCO


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Aarhus, Denmark